DX12 “Will Be Good But Doubt It Will Make Massive Change”- Caffeine Dev

Incandescent Imaging's Dylan Browne also shares his thoughts on AMD Mantle.

Incandescent Imaging’s Dylan Browne went from obscurity to underdog indie developer within a matter of days after launching the Indiegogo for Caffeine, a first person horror title developed on Unreal Engine 4. Given that Browne is primarily developing for the PC, Gaming Bolt thought to ask him his thoughts on the API and how it would change the landscape of games on PC and Xbox One.

Browne stated that, “I think that it will be good, but I doubt it will make a massive change, that being said more performance is better!”

This comes off of quite a bit of skepticism regarding the API. Some developers feel that it will entail an increase in performance for games, particularly on the Xbox One, while others believe otherwise.

Browne also discussed his thoughts on AMD’s own graphics API Mantle and whether it would have the reach – in terms of support for game development – as DirectX. He answered, “As a slight AMD fan myself I would like for Mantle to be adopted and I think that it will perhaps not have the same reach as DX12 will but it seems at the moment that quite a few developers are adopting it and it does provide some very nice performance boosts.”

What are your thoughts on the same? Let us know in the comments and head here to support Browne’s Caffeine on Indiegogo.

This is just a snippet of our interview with Graphine Software and we will have the complete interview this Friday.

AMD MantleCaffeineDirectX 12Incandescent ImagingMicrosoftunreal engine 4