E3 2012: Yoshida: PS Vita Missing From E3 Conference Was A Mistake In Hindsight, NO PS Vita Pricecut Coming

Oh Sony. Why did you leave your handheld out to die?

At its E3 conference this year, Sony decided that not focusing on its PS Vita console, which is totally struggling in the market as it fails to even sell 10,000 units per week in Japan on a regular basis, and instead giving more time to multiplats, mobile game development, and the damn Wonderbook, was a great strategy to boost the sales of its flagging handheld.

When asked, Yoshida had this to say:
“As far as how our conference went – it went as well as we thought it could,” he said. “I’m getting lots of tweets from people saying, ‘where are PS Vita games?’ That was, in retrospect, our fault – not looking at every angle when we designed the programme for the show. We have 25 new games, Vita titles, playable on the show floor.

“We could have spent more time – probably we should – showing off those games coming out this year.

“That aside, we got a very great response to our new IPs – Beyond by Quantic, and The Last of Us. So I’m very happy.”

Of course you did, Yoshida. The PS3 is doing great. The Vita is not. Ergo, instead of spending so much time on it, you should have spent time on the Vita. And these mythical games for the Vita. Anything but the Wonderbook, you see.

Asked if it was too soon for a PS Vita price cut, guess what he said?

“Oh, absolutely.” Yoshida replied when we asked him whether it was too soon for a Vita price cut in 2012.

“From the value for money standpoint, we think we have a good price for what the system is. And our priority is to achieve the potential through more games and services.

“Of course people who are looking to buy are also talking about the price of PS Vita, especially when they have to buy a memory card as well. That’s something we have to spend time to cost reduce and address in the future. But now, our laser focus is to increase the content and to realise the potential of the system.”


Sorry folks, the PS Vita is dead. This E3 was just its funeral.


e3e3 2012PS Vitasony