EA Motive’s Star Wars Game Is “Very Unique”

Let's hope it's more Fallen Order than Battlefront.

EA and their troubled handling of the prestigious Star Wars license finally caught a break this year with the excellent Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, after a string of years that saw poor releases, cancelled projects, and bad marketing and managing decisions. EA has got more Star Wars projects lined up that its studios are currently working on, and one can only hope that they’ll be successful the way Respawn have been, rather than following in the footsteps of what came before that.

One of those projects is being developed by EA Motive – the studio that worked on Battlefront 2’s campaign – which has seen its fair share of development troubles as well. After EA cancelled the open world Star Wars title they had been working on, they replaced it with a new, smaller-scale project.

And though we don’t yet know what that entails or even looks like, EA Motive GM and VP Patrick Klaus – who replaced the outgoing Jade Raymond last year – spoke about the game very briefly in conversation with GamesIndustry. Klaus calls it “a very unique Star Wars experience”, and that’s really it. He also added that EA Motive is working on “a new IP, which is a new project by a new team”, but did not give much information on that project either.

While there’s no telling yet when we’ll be hearing anything concrete about Motive’s new Star Wars game, EA did confirm not too long ago that they’ll be publishing another Star Wars title before the end of financial year 2022, which we can probably assume is going to be this one. Read more on that through here.

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