Earth Defense Force 2025 Gets 2014 Western Release Date

Bugs. Guns. How hard could it be?

The sequel to Earth Defense Force from developer Sandlot, tentatively titled Earth Defense Force 2025, will be releasing next year in the West. This means lots of shooting and lots of explosions and lots more shooting.

Which is all well and good if you go for that kind of thing. Earth Defense Force 2025 once again has you playing as an EDF soldier and you can select four new classes, tons of weapons and even take part in four-player multiplayer. You’ll be facing off against bugs of all shapes and sizes, and the only thing that can really be done is shooting. Simple yet fun? We’ll find out when it releases in North america and Europe.

Interestingly, Earth Defense Force 2025 was originally to release later this year. Now it will be heading to Xbox 360 and PlayStation in February 2014. Stay tuned for more details and information on what to expect as the game approaches releases.

Earth Defense Force 2025Namco Bandai Gamesps3Sandlotxbox 360