EarthFall To Impact Xbox One, PS4 And PC This Spring

Get ready to shoot some aliens.

EarthFall is a first person four-player survival co-op shooter that tasks players with fighting against threatening aliens and generally trying their best to stay alive. Currently on Steam Early Access, EarthFall will launch properly on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 sometime this spring, according to developer Holospark.

In this endeavour, players can arm themselves with a wide variety of weaponry, from modern rifles to futuristic mobile turrets and portable barricades. HDR and 4K resolution on PS4 and Xbox One have been promised by the developers.

When the game launches this spring, it will include a whole host of features including a full story mode and multiple campaigns, where players will uncover the reason they’re being invaded, just in case context is needed for you to really enjoy shooting aliens. You can check out the reveal trailer just below, where they announce the game coming to consoles.

EarthfallHolosparkpcps4Xbox One