Elden Ring Announced, First Trailer Teases Burning Skies

The Elden Ring has been shattered and the world is in ruins (as usual).

FromSoftware’s Elden Ring received its first trailer at the Xbox E3 2019 presser. It wasn’t a gameplay trailer, but it did carry that signature, end of days-style world design that’s defined many a Dark Souls title. Check it out for yourself below.

The story in a nutshell seems to indicate that the titular Elden Ring has been shattered, skies are burning, and so on. The world is created by Game of Thrones writer George R.R. Martin and FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Bloodborne). Again, we don’t know what’s happening, but it looks incredibly cool.

Elden Ring was leaked before the Xbox E3 2019 presser and will be coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC courtesy of Bandai Namco Entertainment. A release window wasn’t provided, interestingly enough, and now we have to wait for gameplay footage. Perhaps the title will release in 2020 after all? Stay tuned for more information from Xbox at E3 2019.

bandai namco entertainmente3 2019Elden RingFromSoftwarepcps4Xbox One