Epic Games Open to Gears of War on Next Generation Consoles

They can go in a number of directions.

Gears of War has been one of the top franchise this generation. Epic Games, the developers behind this franchise basically re-invented the third person shooter genre with their pop in and out cover-shoot mechanics. With three commercially and critically hit games in the series, Epic Games are all set to release Gears of War: Judgement, a game which focuses on Cole and Baird instead of the series protagonist Marcus Fenix.

Now given the massive fan following of this franchise, will Epic Games bring the franchise over to next generation consoles? The lead level designer at Epic Games, Jim Brown apparently would love to do so.

“I would love to say yes; I mean, this is something that is very personal to a lot of us. We’ve been working on it for a decade now and the whole reason we did this one is because so many fans wanted us to and we weren’t done with it.”

Gears of War Judgement Trailer.

He then states that they since the franchise has such a massive universe, they can go with a number of directions. “And it’s such a big universe, so there’s any number of directions we can go with it. But we’re still not finished with Judgment yet; we’re still at home working on DLC. So we are constantly building and expanding on the universe as much as we can,” he said to CapsuleComputers.

Since Gears of War IP belongs to Epic Games and not Microsoft, it will be interesting to see whether they will bring it on the PlayStation 4, if there is a new game announced.

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