Epic Games Purchases Cloud Computing Company Cloudgine

The unreal power of the cloud.

I’m sure you remember Cloudgine- the folks are leading the charge for cloud computing, and will also be powering the cloud fueled destruction in the upcoming Crackdown 3‘s multiplayer mode. Well, those folks have been purchased by Epic Games, who will apparently be leveraging their skills and expertise to supplement their Unreal Engine 4.

“Since its inception, Cloudgine’s research and development has been based on Epic’s Unreal Engine 4,” said Epic’s senior marketing manager Dana Cowley about the purchase. “Cloudgine’s cloud computing and online technologies will enhance the UE4 feature set to help developers push the creative and technical limits of games, film, animation and visualization through advances in physics simulation and networking.”

Epic is now apparently hiring at the Cloudgine offices in Edinburgh in Scotland, with the aim to expand the team, and consequently, the arsenal of cloud technologies to boost and amp up Unreal Engine 4 even further. Given the importance that cloud computing is going to inevitably play at some point in the future- even if we are not there yet, it will happen eventually- this seems to be a smart, prescient move by Epic. Now to see what comes of it.

CloudgineCrackdown 3Epic Games