Escape From Tarkov: New Details, Screenshots Released

Console is being considered but it won't be soon.

Escape From Tarkov is a PC shooter that has been gaining quite a bit of good word of mouth over the last few days and weeks. The game might be getting even more good word of mouth, if the developers, Battlestate Games goes through with their possible plans of eventually bringing the game to the Xbox One and the PS4. Battlestate recently released a FAQ and talked about the specifics of the game, as well as just how likely it is that the title would come to consoles.

For those not familiar with the game, it’s focus is in an alternate reality, present day Russia, where the city of Tarkov is the commercial center of the Soviet country. As the development team laid out the story centers on the city which has been caught in the “plight of the war between two private military companies, triggered by illegal activities of the Terra Group transnational corporation. For the reasons yet unknown, the situation in the city quickly went out of control and the local populace was evacuated. The only ones left behind were either private military contractors, the local Scavs gunmen or shady characters of unknown origin and allegiance.”

Players must get through 10 different scenarios in the story mode and then a free roam mode can be unlocked. As the game unfolds, players will be able to trade with other players online and NPCs inside the game. When talking about eventually bringing Escape from Tarkov to consoles, the dev team said, it was looking into it but it doesn’t appear a version of that will be coming soon. For now, Battlestate is preparing to bring it to Steam and will have a beta sometime early next year.

Battlestate GamesEscape From Tarkovpc