Eve Online has a new open-invite system for its Buddy Program


CCP Games has announced that the acclaimed online title, Eve Online’s Buddy Program, which originally had only a one-to-one invite system, will now have an open invite system.

Earlier, players could only invite their friends to their game one-to-one, and would and earn rewards when those friends would upgrade from the trial version of the game to a full version.

The new open invite system will give you a URL which you can send to as many people as you want, making the invite system more open and free. You can bring as many people as you want into your game and still gain the rewards you usually do in the Buddy Program.

The PLEX-for-PLEX reward option is also being removed. If you upragde your Buddy Program trial via PLEX, you won’t be able to receive a PLEX award.

Check out the full details over at the Eve Online blog.


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