Evolution Studios on the PS4: ‘The power is just there, on the table, all very accessible right from the outset’

The asymmetrical architecture has made it to easy to gain performance.

It’s a well known fact that despite having a very powerful CPU in Cell, developing games for the PlayStation 3 was a nightmare for some developers. Vigil Games famously said that it’s a pain in the ass to develop on the PlayStation 3. Now that Sony have learnt their lessons from the PlayStation 3, they have provided a PC like architecture for the PS4.

Evolution Studios’ tech director Scott Kirkland believes that it will be much easier to develop games for the PS4 compared to the PS3.

“I mean, in terms of features that really help us out, there’s the CPU, having that asymmetrical architecture, that’s made it really easy for us to gain great performance from the outset. When we look at PS3 development, it was very powerful architecture, but one that took a fair amount of time to get up to speed with and exploit, and that showed on each iteration of Motorstorm.”

“Whereas with Drive Club that power is just there, on the table, all very accessible right from the outset. Knowing every console is going to have a hard-drive in it, that’s something we’re able to plan for, we’ve got brilliant strategies for boosting the time spent playing the game,” he said to Edge.

Evolution Studios showcased their first project for the PS4: DriveClub and it looked absolutely phenomenal. Even if we consider DriveClub to be a launch game for the PS4, there are still about 6-7 months more to polish the game even further.

You can check out the trailer for DriveClub below:

DriveClubEvolution Studiosps3ps4sony