Fable II was rushed – Molyneux

Peter Molyneux has been talking so much about what they did wrong with Fable 2, and now he is back for more.

“Fable II, let’s be honest about it, it has some terribly messy things about it,” said Molyneux.

“Half of that, again being honest, was because we rushed at the end and we had this terrible phase where, the world looks this beautiful with this many game features, and then slowly transitioned into being less beautiful.” he said.

“On Fable II we had, at one point, 67,000 bugs. The Microsoft Test team rated us super black. No-one had been black before. They’d been red and orange and green. But we were super black. They said it’s utterly impossible for anybody to come out as super black.”

“That’s why we had to reduce down what we had. But, to be honest with you, there were also huge design flaws in Fable II.” he added.

Let’s just hope they learned from their mistakes, Fable 3 is on its way.


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