Fallout 4 New Details: Luck Will Help You Find More And Better Loot

Fallout 4 New Video Shows How Luck Makes You S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

As has been the case for the last month or so, Bethesda has put out a brand new Fallout 4 video showing those who are new to the series just how the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. rating works in this game. This latest video covers luck, which actually probably needs some explanation when you compare it to other S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s.  Like the other videos in this series, it doesn’t show off any gameplay but it does take on the same kind of look as the old-timey aspects that make this game so much fun.

The video shows that when you are boosted up your luck, there are a number of different benefits that might not exactly stand out right away but if you try and pull something off with lower luck ratings, you’ll soon see the difference. According to the video, luck can come in handy when you are out loot hunting. You might be able to find more of a stash and you might find even more once you find that stash. Luck also allows you to find a way out of tight situations a bit easier than if you aren’t juicing that particular S.P.E.C.I.A.L. up.

There is even some luck coming into play when you find yourself going up against a particularly tough enemy. Better luck could lead to a truer shot which will take that enemy down quicker and cleaner. You’ll get to see how this talent works up close and personal in less than a month when Fallout 4 launches on November 10, 2015.

bethesda softworksFallout 4pcps4Xbox One