Fallout 4 Survival Mode Details Revealed: Saving, No Fast Travel, Adrenaline and More

There's a lot you'll need to keep in mind to properly survive.

Bethesda Softworks has shared new details on Fallout 4‘s Survival Mode which is now available via Steam Beta. PC users can opt in to the beta if they so choose.

Survival Mode changes up several things about the game. All traditional forms of saving are disabled and you can only save by going to sleep for an hour minimum. Fast Travel is also disabled and enemies will deal more damage than before. There are means to fight back thanks to the new Adrenaline perk which stacks by 5 percent for every five kills with a maximum of 50 percent damage possible.

Sleeping tends to remove Adrenaline ranks though and you’ll have to manage a variety of other issues like hunger, thirst, immunodeficiency from using RadAway, etc. Even items like MedPacks and bullets now have weight, forcing you to manage your inventory more carefully.

Check out all the other details in the blog post. No word yet on when Survival Mode will officially head to consoles but stay tuned for more updates.

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