Fallout 4: What Do You Not Want to See?

With all the elements of the franchise being seen and done, what do you wish to see?

A leaked casting call has indicated that Fallout 4 is indeed in development by Bethesda Softworks. There’s not much else known except that it will be set in Boston. So the question is: Just how will its setting affect what we’ll see in the game? For that matter, what would you be interested in seeing in it?

Considering that several elements such as Deathclaws, the Brotherhood of Steel and Legion made more sense to have in the West, this means that we’ll be seeing plenty of new things this time around. What elements of the Fallout franchise would it make sense to include at this point? We’d still wager that there would be Mutants of some sort, just not the same Super Mutants developed in Mariposa.

So the question is – what can we expect? Tell us what you think in the comments below. Maybe some sort of cross-cultural exchange to showcase how other individuals from different countries are dealing with the post-apocalyptic environment?

bethesda softworksFallout 4next gen consolespc