Far Cry 5’s Protagonist Is Customizable

You can select their race and gender.

You may be playing as a very defined character in a defined story in Far Cry 5, but Ubisoft will still let you customize the main character to look and sound more like you- or like whoever you want them to be like, honestly.

As Kotaku reported today, you are going to be able to choose the gender of the character you play as, and pick their skin color. This is especially interesting, because the setting and antagonist of the game hint at a person who is probably going to be extremely conservative, and is likely to be a fair bit intolerant and set in their ways, too. Hopefully, Ubisoft can leverage this customizability and have some interplay between the protagonist and the antagonist to reflect the player’s choice.

Far Cry 5 is due out early next year on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Remember to stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information on the game.

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