FIFA 14 Next Gen Transfer: Not All Progress Will Carry Over From Xbox 360 to Xbox One Version

Career Mode is the odd one out when you shift from one generation to another.

With the current generation versions of FIFA 14 having finally been released, the spotlight is now on the next generation versions which will be releasing in November for the Xbox One and PS4 on their respective launch dates. Both games support cross-generation transfer of save data – meaning you can transfer your data from the Xbox 360 to the Xbox One and from PS3 to PS4 – but what gets lost in the exchange?

Speaking to Xbox 360 Achievements, when asked if progress would be carried over from the Xbox 360 version to the Xbox One version, executive producer David Rutter stated that, “Some of it will, not all of it – but it will only carry over from Microsoft console to Microsoft console and Sony to Sony. Basically, anything online will carry over: EA Sport Football Club, seasons progress and Ultimate Team. Career mode won’t, because that’s locked to your console and we can’t get it.”

Does the thought of having to go through Career Mode again appeal to you or will you be skipping the next gen versions of FIFA? Regardless, FIFA 14 launches on the PlayStation 4 on November 15th in North America and on November 29th in Europe, with the Xbox One version launching on November 22nd.

cross-generationalEA CanadaEA SportsFIFA 14xbox 360Xbox One