FIFA 18 FUT AI Exploit Gets Sent off Thanks To Patch

No more easy FIFA coins unless you're going to work for them!

What EA Sports was calling an “unintended gameplay mechanic” that FIFA 18 players were taking advantage of to farm FIFA Coins has been resolved by a new patch to the game. FIFA 18 gamers were effectively using lower stat players to bait the hardest team in the game into fouls, getting them sent off and earning an easy victory, and tons of FIFA Coins.

The glitch first hit mainstream notice when a top PS4 player was accused of using it to gain an unfair advantage. But now EA Sports has dropped a patch that should resolve the glitch.

Essentially the patch keeps the computer player from receiving too many yellow card fouls unless its an attacker and they really deserve it, like when trying to push or pull an opponent, or a one-on-one with the keeper. Human controlled players are not impacted by this, but the change should quash the tactic of foul baiting the AI for an easy win.

Patch notes:

Removed the chance for the CPU AI controlled player to receive a second yellow card when trying to push or pull an opponent, with the exception of an attacker who is through on goal and 1 on 1 with the keeper.

  • This has no impact on human controlled players.

To better explain this change we wanted to provide some additional context around how the CPU team plays the game.

  • The CPU plays the game as you would, limited by the same input restrictions as a human player is.
  • This means that the CPU team has an active player, just like you do, which we call the CPU AI controlled player.
  • A CPU AI controlled player exists in the following circumstances:
    • On a team with no human players.
      • For example, the CPU controlled team in Squad Battles.
    • On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates.
      • For example, a Pro Clubs team, with less than 11 human players, with no ANY player.
  • A CPU AI controlled player does not exist in the following circumstances:
    • On a team with human players who are not locked to specific players.
      • For example, a team in FUT Champions.
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