Final DOOM Will Make Its Way To Consoles Soon

All of the DOOM comes everywhere.

While it’s unfortunate that DOOM Eternal, the next game in the legendary series, got delayed to an already crowded March 2020, Bethesda and id have done what they could to make it up by going back to the classics. The original games are available on all consoles now, and even DOOM 64 is coming soon after thought to be lost for many year. But that’s not all, as even more DOOM is coming.

During the 26th Anniversary Twitch Live Stream, it was announced that 1996’s Final DOOM would be available along with the 2010 expansion No Rest for the Living. Final DOOM was a remixed version of DOOM 2 that reused much of its assets, but was notorious for its brutal difficulty.

There’s no word on when Final DOOM and its expansion will be available, only that it’ll be “soon”. In the meantime, The DOOM Slayers Collection just came out for all your classic DOOM needs.

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