Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Ranked 1st And 9th In Latest Famitsu Charts

Japan's Most Wanted for the week ending April 10th, ranked.

The one thing about Japan above all else is that it is pretty damn consistent as a gaming audience- Japanese gamers know what they want, and they by and large agree on exactly what that is. That might be why the most anticipated games in Japan, which are tracked on a weekly basis by the Japanese magazine Famitsu, generally stay the same, with only their relative rankings changing.

Which is why this week’s Famitsu Most Wanted chart has all the same suspects- Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 3, Persona 5, Dragon Quest 11 (both, the 3DS and the PS4 versions), and Final Fantasy 7 Remake all figure on this chart.

Final Fantasy 15 ranks in first place on this list, while Kingdom Hearst 3 is ninth. Persona 5 is second, and the 3DS version of Dragon Quest 11 rounds up the top three. The Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a healthy distance behind Dragon Quest in fourth place. The Legend of Zelda remains in the chart for a second continuous week- a rarity for a Wii U game.

With so many high profile titles coming up soon, it seems as though the Japanese market’s days of slump may finally be at an end- if nothing else, then this batch of games gives the Japanese market its best chance of getting itself out of its funk that it has had yet.

Thanks, NintendoEverything.

final fantasy XVKingdom Hearts IIIps4Square EnixXbox One