Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still Being Developed On DX11

So a PC version might still be a possibility.

Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 have become some sort of a mystery from Square Enix and the lack of updates from development team is leading to frustration among gamers and fans alike. Although Square Enix have ensured on numerous occasions that development on the game is going fine but they haven’t actually cared to reveal any new information since E3 2013.

However, we might have a piece of information that might interest you. Take this with a grain of salt but it seems that Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 are still being developed on DirectX 11. This information comes from a journalist and given that there have been talks about a potential PC version before, Square Enix’s silence about it is rather intriguing. For those of you who are unaware, DirectX 11 is a programming API that is used in almost every other PC game.

The use of DX11 in an optimized manner could result into better tessellation, soft shadows and many other graphical features. What are your thoughts on this matter? Let us know in the comments section below. For more on these games check out their respective hub pages here and here.

final fantasy XVKingdom Hearts IIIps4Square EnixXbox One