Final Fantasy 15: Day Night Cycle, Unique Weapon And Summon System, And More

Imagine if you actually got stronger in the real world by going camping.

I may not be the biggest Final Fantasy fan, my favourite game in the series was FFXII and I never particularly enjoyed FFVII, but I do like it when fans of other games get news that cheers them up. So with that in mind, I bring you updates from Comic Fiesta 2014, updates that just so happen to be Final Fantasy XV related. Fancy that.

Now some of this you may already know, but I’ll mention it anyway for the sake of thoroughness. The appearance, culture and traditions in the town of Lestallum is particularly influenced by Malaysian tradition which is noticeable in some of the cities artwork which depicts Malaysian styled food being prepared.

NPC’s in the city of Lestallum will be somewhat unique, making them stand out from other NPC’s in the games world and when players are at a camp site, Ignis has been seen handling the cooking. He will actually alter what he cooks depending on what ingredients are provided, make sure to give him something tasty worth making. It’s worth noting that if you don’t camp, then you don’t get to level up.

Obviously, having a day and night cycle in your game is a requirement for any large game that intends on depicting a dynamic world, but having a realistic day and night cycle isn’t a very good idea. So FFXV will compensate by having the cycle set like this. One hour will equate to 24 hours in the game, with 40 minutes being allocated to day time and 15 minutes being dedicated to night time.

Titan, a previously seen giant critter cannot be summoned in the demo, though summons will be available to the player alongside a summon system as well as a “unique weapon system” that will provide the player with different move sets. And that’s all for today everybody.

Sources: 1, 2, 3.

final fantasy XVps4Square EnixXbox One