Final Fantasy 15 DLC Plans Are Finalized, Frame Rate Issues Being Worked On

They *better* be working on that frame rate...

Going into E3 this year, Final Fantasy 15 had a lot of hype for it- but that hype dissipated when the game ended up having not just one, but two poor showings. It looks like a mess when it comes to direction, and it also looks like a mess when it comes to performance and optimization, with choppy framerate abound.

That last part, at least, is hopefully not going to be something that we have to worry about. During Square Enix’s E3 live coverage, Final Fantasy XV Game Director Hajime Tabata assured fans that the framerate issues were being looked into and worked on by the team- which means that hopefully, by the time the game does launch a few months from now, it’ll be better on this front than it is right now.

Tabata also discussed the game’s DLC plans, noting that they had already been finalized. He pointed out that he did not want those who had made the purchase of the base game to feel slighted, and that he wanted them to feel like they have gotten their money’s worth. DLC in this case will be entirely additive, instead of being something that was planned to be in the base game, but then held back for DLC. There will be story DLC, as well as bonus costumes, and the VR experience will also be DLC; but Tabata does not feel comfortable talking about it in more detail for now. He did note, though, that he hopes that fans will be excited by what Square Enix has to offer.

Final Fantasy 15 is due out on Xbox One and PS4 on September 30 worldwide.

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