Final Fantasy 15 Fans Approve of Moogles, Square Enix Clarifies Lack of Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer

Moogles are quite popular among Final Fantasy fans.

Considering just how much fans of Kingdom Hearts 3 are anticipating the game, they can be forgiven if they get a bit anxious to get more information about the game. Unfortunately, one of the pieces of information people thought they were going to get was at least a short look at the game through a brand new trailer. It turns out reports of this new trailer were apparently inaccurate and that has more than a few fans understandably upset.

Some fans even went onto Square Enixs’ official websites to ask when and where they could get their hands on the trailer. To the company’s credit, it didn’t take it all that long to come out and make sure people understood that the rumors about the trailer were in fact, nothing more than rumors. Dan Seto made an official announcement where he said, “Come on guys you should know better than to trust news reports that don’t even have any sources! We never announced that any trailer would be released and in general you should be more cautious about rumours. We also sort of did release an official statement/message.” He included a link to the Twitter page which said the company would be sure to let people know when more information was coming.

Another game that has had info trickle out is starting to open the faucet a bit more. On Final Fantasy 15’s official Twitter page, Square ran a poll asking the game’s fans whether Moogles should be included. In what shouldn’t be much of a surprise, the answer was an unequivocal yes. As of right now, we don’t have an official launch date for either game so this kind of info will have to do.

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