Final Fantasy 15 Is Already Up And Running On The PC But Will It Receive An Official Release?

Make it happen, Square!

It was GDC time earlier this week, and that is always a good time. As such, Square Enix has released a video that shows people just how the Luminous Engine and Final Fantasy XV have together grown from their initial stages a few years back to the state they’re in today, and it’s some pretty good stuff, especially for those who are interested in the tech side of things and want to see the nitty-gritties behind the development of the engine itself.

One interesting aspect in the video, though, is the fact that it shows Final Fantasy XV that shows footage running on the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card. Is that a hint for a PC release for the game, or is it simply Square Enix using the assets of Final Fantasy XV to test the capabilities of their engine?

There’s no telling, but it does mean that the game is more or less already up and running on the PC. You can watch the entire video below and figure it out for yourself. Let us know what you think via your comments!

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