Final Fantasy 15 PSVR Demo Didn’t Take Too Long To Develop, Didn’t Interfere With Main Game’s Development

Looks like for now, the priority is to just get the game out a soon as possible.

Square Enix have been pretty candid in discussing the possibility of a PC version for Final Fantasy 15, but they have also made it very clear that if and when it happens, it will be well after the console release of the game. Which means that a lot of PC players were pretty pissed (and with good reason) when the PSVR addition to Final Fantasy 15 was announced at E3. However, it doesn’t appear to have been much work, or much of a reallocation of resources and manpower- in an interview with Kotaku, director Hajime Tabata confirmed that the PSVR demo was developed in a relatively timeframe.

“We are thinking about a PC version,” Tabata admitted, right off the bat. “But until we’ve got the console versions finished, we really aren’t gonna think anymore about that. That really is our top priority and one thing we’re not gonna bend on is getting those console versions finished on time.”

He then went on to address the elephant in the room. “You saw we released the PlayStation VR demo at E3—that is something that was very much designed to be completed in a very short period of time by a team so it didn’t affect the main console development cycle,” he clarified. “That’s the will of the whole team—they want to get it done. We don’t want to be making excuses. We don’t want to be having regrets. We want to get these out and done in time.”

I have to admit, his answer is candid, frank, earnest, and honest, which is the most one can ask for in response to an issue such as this. He didn’t beat around the bush, there was no teasing, and no PR fluff- just an honest answer to a straightforward question. I wish more people in the game industry took cues from him, and I definitely understand where he is coming from on this, too. Nonetheless, I hope that the PC version comes sooner rather than later.

For now, Final Fantasy 15 is due out on September 30 on PS4 and Xbox One.

final fantasy 15ps4Square EnixXbox One