Final Fantasy 15 Pre-Beta Running On PS4/PC, Kingdom Hearts 3 New Details Revealed

New animations revealed in the Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer.

While we’re still waiting on the big reveals for both Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 15 and when we’ll actually be able to get our hands on the game, we are getting a few more details on what we can expect to see in the games. According to one report, Final Fantasy 15’s development is moving right along to the point where there game is officially in the pre-beta stage. Even better news, the game is already being run on the PC and the PS4.

Programmer Satoshi Kitade recently posted on the game’s official forums that the current build runs on PC. It also works on PS4, but there are still areas that require optimization and memory-related adjustments. He did want to make it clear that while there does appear to be a pre-beta version that is out there and playable, there’s still quite a bit of work to be done before the game will really be ready to release.

Speaking of games that are coming right along but is still quite a ways away from being ready to hit the market, there’s a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 that shows us little bit more in the game. The Gamer’s Joint has put up a new video that shows off new footage with a bit more of a deep dive of the footage that was released as well as some in depth talk about the features that were revealed in that trailer including smaller features like animations for when players bump into party members. Check out the video below and get excited about whenever Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming.

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