Final Fantasy 15: Square Enix Confirms DX12 Demo Will Help The Game

DX12 is going to help with development of Final Fantas XV.

At this point in time, gamers are getting all excited over the impending transition between DirectX 11 and DirectX 12, an important shift that is well on the way and one that opens up new avenues of possibilities for developers. The problem of course, is that developers like to show tech demos of what their new toys could do. Not what they will actually do.

Despite being very impressive to watch, the Square Enix’s DX12 Witch Chapter 0 tech demo isn’t a viable representation of modern day gaming, it was running on a beefy 4 X GTX Titan graphics card. That having been said, DirectX 12 is currently going to be used to help with the development of games in a more realistic way.

Speaking frankly about the matter, Hajime Tabata of Final Fantasy XV (a DX11 title) has said that working with DX12 will give the development team the improved ability to work with already existing tech. Saying, “Familiarity with high-level elemental technologies makes it easier to streamline processes on current-gen titles, and improve quality.” He goes on to say, “We should see positive results with Final Fantasy XV and I hope you all look forward to it”

Source: Latest Active Time Report broadcast

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