Final Fantasy 15’s Graphics Have Sure Come A Long Way – A Comparison Between Last Gen And Current Gen

The difference is staggering.

Final Fantasy 15 is alive and kicking. Square Enix have released a brand new trailer for the title which showcases breathtaking vistas and graphics. Final Fantasy 15 was previously known as Final Fantasy Versus 13, and was supposed to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Back then, Square Enix had released gameplay trailers and demonstrations on the PlayStation 3.

The game is now a current gen exclusive with the title expected to launch in 2015 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It’s obvious that the developers will use to push the title to an all new visual level. So we have compared some of the old screenshots from Final Fantasy Versus 13 and compared it to Final Fantasy 15. The results are simply remarkable.

Everything in FF15 feels improved and shiny. Final Fantasy 15 possibly uses Yebis’ optical and post processing effects. To top that the ground textures and character models have improved multiple times when one compares it to FF vs 13.

Take a look at the screenshot comparison below and let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Please note it’s impossible to do a one to one comparison since the corresponding screenshots for FF versus 13 are not available.

final fantasy XVps4Square EnixXbox One