Final Fantasy 7 Remake Clip Shows Tifa’s Somersault Limit Break

Looking good, Joker- er, Tifa.

Final Fantasy 7 fans were ecstatic to see how fan-favourite character Tifa would be recreated in the upcoming remake back when she was unveiled at E3 this year, and since then, we’ve seen plenty of footage of her in action. Now, the game’s official Twitter account has posted another clip, which isn’t too substantial, but still shows something interesting that fans of the original will appreciate.

The clip in question shows her Somersault Limit Break, true to her melee-focused abilities. As was explained by Square Enix at E3 (and in the text of this tweet), every character will have a Limit Gauge that will fill up as they take damage from abilities, which will eventually allow them to use their Limit Break attacks. Take a look at Tifa’s Somersault move below.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out on March 3, 2020 for PS4. If you want more bite-sized clips from the game, you can check out the squatting minigame’s rendition in the remake through here.

Final Fantasy 7 Remakeps4Square Enix