Final Fantasy 7 Remake Gameplay Footage Debuts at PSX

The remake's beautiful visuals and combat are showcased for the first time.

As if the PlayStation Experience didn’t already start on a strong note, Sony followed it up with Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Any doubts as to the current status and development time of the project were laid to the rest by the debut of gameplay footage for the remake. Check it out below.

Not only do we get to see the new visuals and how the cut-scenes have been remade but we also get a look at actual gameplay, including real-time combat (which bears a strong resemblance to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7). Thus far, we’re kind of impressed though we’re wondering just how much more epic and crazy the combat can get in latter portions.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake is currently scheduled to arrive for PS4 first and doesn’t have a release date. What are your thoughts on the gameplay footage? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Final Fantasy 7 Remakeplaystation experienceps4sonySquare Enix