Final Fantasy 7 Remake Incoming for PlayStation 4 – Rumour

Square Enix may finally be ready to remake the JRPG classic.

An honest to goodness remake for Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 could be coming to the PlayStation. This is according to Siliconera who recently received news of the same before Square Enix’s E3 2015 press event taking place on June 16th.

The remake won’t be anything like the port that Square Enix announced last year during Sony’s press conference. Rather, it will be a full remake with reworked visuals to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the game. The art style will apparently take cues from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children or even Dissidia Final Fantasy. That means no super-deformed figures and more mature looking characters (or at least, we hope it does).

It will be interesting since the publisher revealed that its E3 showing this year will be “unprecedented in the history of Square Enix, with a strong line-up in which each can be considered a centerpiece.” We’ll find out how true that is tomorrow so in the meantime, take this latest Final Fantasy VII remake news with a pinch of salt.

e3 2015final fantasy 7ps4Square Enix