Final Fantasy 9 Remake is Real, Final Fantasy 10 Remake is Not – Rumour

A prominent leaker has said that though the rumoured Final Fantasy 9 Remake is indeed in the works, the alleged remake of its successor isn't real.

Square Enix is of course at work on the final instalment of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy, though past reports have claimed that with Final Fantasy 9 and 10, the company also has additional Final Fantasy remake projects in the works. According to fresh claims from a typically reliable leaker, however, that might not be entirely accurate.

As per prominent leaker Midori, only half of the aforementioned rumour is true. Responding to a question on Twitter, Midori recently claimed that though Square Enix does indeed have Final Fantasy remakes in the works, a remake of Final Fantasy 10, contrary to past reports, doesn’t exist. That said, the leaker also claims that the long-rumoured Final Fantasy 9 Remake is indeed real and in the works.

When the rumoured remake will be officially unveiled remains to be seen, though fans of Final Fantasy 10 will be disappointed to know that it isn’t being brought back as some may have anticipated, if Midori’s claims are indeed accurate.

Recently, a remake of Final Fantasy 9 was seemingly teased by Naoki Yoshida, director and producer of Final Fantasy 14 and producer of Final Fantasy 16. Read more on that through here.

Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks and months.

final fantasy 10Final Fantasy 10 RemakeFinal Fantasy 9Final Fantasy 9 RemakeSquare Enix