Fire Emblem: Three Houses File Size Is Less Than 12 GB; DLC Confirmed

The DLC will add new Paralogues to the strategy RPG.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is going to carry on the series’ tradition by offering players a meaty experience that lasts for dozens of hours, on top of side content and plenty of replayability. But though it’s going to be a game with a ton of content, it won’t need you to clear up too much space in your Switch’s storage.

An image of a download card for the game’s digital version has popped up on Reddit from a user in Japan, and it confirms that its file size is going to be less than 12 GB- 11.9 GB, to be exact, which is a very reasonable file size considering how content-rich the game is planning to be, an also about the average expected file size for such a game on the Switch.

The download card also confirms that there will be DLC added to the game after release, and that it’ll add new quests, new side stories, as well as new costumes, all of which will most likely be coming in the form of Paralogues.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a month away from launch. It’ll be out on Nintendo Switch on July 26. Take a look at its latest story trailer through here.

Fire Emblem: Three Housesintelligent systemskoie-tecmoNintendonintendo switch