First PS Vita Bundle Announced

The PS Vita… yeah… the pic… so pretty.

*snaps out of it*

So, Sony just announced a Little Deviants bundle only for the US market. It contains a 4GB memory card and the game and the Wi Fi version comes at $300. The 3G model will be available for $350.

The U.S. bundle includes a PS Vita 3G + Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $349.99 (MSRP). The Canadian bundle includes a Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $299.99 (MSRP). Best of all, you can pick up the PS Vita First Edition Bundle on February 15, 2012, so this is your chance to play before everyone else.

It remains to be seen if Uncharted bundle will be available in the EU, but we’re not sure if Sony is interested in doing that.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.


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