For Honor Future Balance Changes for Peacekeeper, Nobushi, Lawbringer Revealed

Several changes coming to Revenge mode as well.

Ubisoft has revealed some new information (at last) on balance changes in For Honor, addressing complaints that players have had for a while.

In a recent stream, the developer announced that Peacekeeper would be seeing nerfs. Zone attack and dodge attacks will be nerfed. The spam that often leads to constant light attacks will also be nerfed. Warlord’s headbutt will be nerfed as well, allowing for a much longer window for dodging and longer recovery time if you miss. Also, he won’t be able to headbutt from a block unless an attack is actually blocked.

As for buffs, Lawbringer will see buffs all around. Damage will be increased for chains and they’ll be much faster. Zone attacks will grant increased armour and will be guaranteed after parries (same with impale). Then there’s Nobushi who’s hidden stance will be easier to use effectively.

Revenge mode will also be nerfed, especially with the amount gained when injured or defending. The overall attack and duration of the mode will also be reduced. Also, don’t look at running away in the beginning of Elimination for Boosts. They’ll spawn only 20 seconds after a round has begun.

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