Ubisoft’s For Honor will have one more beta before it’s officially available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The open beta will begin on February 9th and conclude on February 12th but if you think you know what to expect, then think again.
According to streamer Brandheldbrando, who recently played the beta build, adjustments have been made to several key heroes. Though not a comprehensive list of changes, it seems that the Peacekeepr, Orochi, Warlord and Kensei are all being re-balanced. The Nobushi was also discussed as received nerfs but hasn’t been tested yet.
Peacekeeper players should take note – the Zone Attack range has been reduced to 4.3 meters from 3.5 meters with Bleed damage on stabs also reduced. Kensei sees a number of buffs with 125 HP over 115 HP previously, Light attack damage increased to 20 from 15 and buffs to Helmsplitter and Swift Strike.
As for the Warlord, his Helmsplitter Leap sees reduced range (3.5 meters) and reduced stamina damage (now 20 instead of 40). Also, you can no longer cancell the Headbutt into a guardbreak.
We’ll find out more about the changes when the open beta begins but what are your thoughts? Let us know below.