Friday The 13th: The Game’s Single Player Mode Has No Story

I mean, that doesn't make much sense, but alright then.

Miraculously, Friday the 13th: The Video Game has actually turned out to be pretty good. I mean, it’s buggy as all hell, to be honest, and a lot of those issues remain unresolved- but if and once you can get it working, it’s incredibly fun.

That said, it has somehow lacked a single player mode all this time. But one will be coming- it’s actually due out soon. However, developers Gun Media confirmed on the official site that the single player mode will lack any sort of story or campaign whatsoever- instead, they are opting for Hitman style challenges for the player to complete solo.

On the one hand, that’s a good style of game, so no complaints there. On the other… really? I mean, this would have been the perfect chance to have a movie inspired campaign in there. But, I guess, at the very least what they are opting for is likely to have more replayability…

Friday the 13th: The Video Game is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Friday The 13th: The Video Gamegun mediapcps4Xbox One