Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition Available Now for XBL, PSN, Mobile Phones

It’s not just Metal Gear getting the anniversary treatment. Konami Digital Entertainment is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Frogger with Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition.

The update is now available for the PSN, XBox Live Arcade for the Xbox 360 and various smartphone platforms (which should include Android and iOS). A subsequent WiiWare release is planned for July 12th.

Some of the game modes include Tile Capture, Battle Royale, Freak Out and more that encapsulate the infamous run-and-dodge gameplay the series is known for. There are also a variety of unlockable skins with classics like Castlevania, Contra and 8-bit sprites from the original arcade Frogger available.

PSN and XBox Live Arcade users can compete in 4 player multiplayer matches or against the AI, though smartphone users will be relegated to just the single-player experience.

Vindication for all those years of getting squashed under cars by allowing more people to squash him? Frogger’s never had it so good.

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