Further Xbox One Dashboard Changes Are Not In The Pipeline For Now, Says Microsoft’s Mike Ybarra

It seems like Fluent Design is here to stay.

Microsoft has been known to tinker with and heavily modify the look and feel of its console UI- the Xbox 360 went through multiple radical redesigns for its dashboard, a trend that continued on the Xbox One as well (though here, it was more necessary, considering how much of a mess the UI was on the system).

However, the upcoming ‘Fluent Design’ update may be the last radical overhaul the system gets for a while, now. Speaking on Twitter, Xbox corporate VP Mike Ybarra noted that further updates to the Xbox One dashboards are anticipated to be minor tweaks and fixes, instead of the bigger changes that Xbox owners and fans may be used to.

I actually think this is a good thing- it means Microsoft has found a UI design they feel comfortable with, and have decided to iterate on it, rather than repeatedly upending the whole table. And given that Fluent Design largely seems to be great, that’s a good thing from a usability perspective, too.

MicrosoftXbox One