Gamestop Handing Out Flyers to Inform Consumers of Xbox One Restrictions

Gamestop makes its customer aware.

One party in particular that will perhaps be hurt by all the restrictions that Xbox One will be imposing on games, and especially used games, will be Gamestop, the chain of game stores that makes a major chunk of its revenue and profits via (almost obscenely) marked up used game sales. As such, it is in their best interests, perhaps, to ensure that consumers are informed about the restrictions that the Xbox One places on used games, and then maybe to gently nudge them towards other systems that are ultimately less restrictive, and also more profitable to their bottom line. Such as PS4 or Wii U.

To that end, it is being reported that multiple stores around the country are issuing flyers to inform (and deter) consumers about the various restrictions that the Xbox One will impose on their games. Short of actually refusing to stock Microsoft’s system (which would be a financially suicidal move, if the system did take off, against all odds), this is perhaps the biggest move they could make against the system.

We’ll see soon if this has any effect at all on Xbox One sales when it launches.

GamestopMicrosoftXbox One