Gears of War 4 Supports Split-Screen Co-op on PC

The Coalition talks issues with implementation.

It may not support HDR at launch but Gears of War 4 will have split-screen co-op for PC users. The Coalition already confirmed split-screen support on the Xbox One several months before.

Technical director Mike Rayner told PC Gamer that it was a “labour of love” but the feature was “quite difficult to support”. That being said, the developer considered feedback from Gears of War: Ultimate Edition players and decided to implement the same.

“We have to deal with multiple inputs, we have to deal with focus, we have to deal with UI placement. That extra work – especially when having to also consider all the resolutions and aspect ratios a PC can have – may be why most big games nowadays don’t typically support split-screen co-op.”

And though it required some effort, at least PC users won’t have to deal with just online co-op for playing with friends. Gears of War 4 is out on October 11th for Xbox One and Windows 10.

gears of war 4pcthe coalitionwindows 10Xbox One