Gears of War’s Cinematics Look Gorgeous In The Ultimate Edition

Not just a remaster.

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition represents a ground up rebuilding of the first game in the franchise that kicked off a third person shooter revolution- so thorough is the remake, in fact, that in many places, it is unrecognizable as the game that we all fell in love with back in 2006.

For instance, consider the cinematics- Gears of War: Ultimate Edition will have entirely redone cutscenes, to tell the game’s horrifying lore and narrative in a much more graphic and effective way. At Comic Con today, developer The Coalition took the stage at their panel to show off a video about just how much, and what kind of, effort went into redoing the movies.

It really does seem like they went all in with this remake- I am ordinarily not the kind of person who supports re-releases of older games, but it’s hard to not be impressed at the amount of effort that went into Gears of War Ultimate.

Gears of War: Ultimate EditionMicrosoftsdcc 2015the coalitionXbox One