Ghost of Tsushima Is Sucker Punch’s Biggest Game Ever, Reveals Sony

Sony boss talks about the upcoming action-adventure title.

We heard about Sucker Punch’s upcoming samurai action-adventure title Ghost of Tsushima not so long ago, and though we don’t know much about it yet, we’re still incredibly excited to learn more about it. At the recently held PSX event, Sony boss Shuhei Yoshida went into greater detail about the upcoming project, and gave us some more details on the game.

Yoshida confirmed that Ghost of Tsushima is Sucker Punch’s biggest game ever, which means that it’s also significantly larger than their PS4 debut title, inFamous: Second Son. Yoshida confirmed that the game’s has been in development for over two years, but that its development is moving along nicely. He confirmed that sword fighting mechanics have already been developed pretty well, that he has tested them himself, and that they play very well in the game.

Yoshida also revealed some other interesting stuff about the game. For instance, he revealed that Ghost of Tsushima’s existence was almost leaked not so long ago. Sucker Punch’s team visited the island of Tsushima for research purposes, to learn about the location and its culture, which was something that was covered by local newspapers as well. However, since the papers did not have a very wide viewership, the news did not catch on worldwide.

Ghost of Tsushima is without a release date yet, though it’s safe to assume that it’ll be a while yet before it launches. It might not even see release in 2018. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for continued coverage on the game.

Ghost of Tsushimaps4sonySucker Punch