God Of War 1.15 Update Hits, Still Changes Very Little

Sony Santa Monica continues to polish an already gleaming title.

God of WarGod of War

Sony Santa Monica is set on giving games news writers everywhere a permanent sense of Deja Vu with yet another tiny patch hitting their latest critically acclaimed game, God of War. Now up to 1.15, and following on from 1.14 and 1.13, all over the last few days.

Does this update do anything major to speak of? Well, no. God of War is already a really polished title that they’re simply continuing to shine up, making tweaks to the UI or squashing bugs in the game way too tiny to even warrant patch notes.

If you’re excited for the title and want to jump into the adventure, then please don’t concern yourself with waiting for the patching to be done before you join gaming’s favourite mad man and his son, in the gorgeous world of Midgard. Sitting with a very pretty Metacritic score and earning a 10/10 from Gamingbolt, this is a journey not to be missed.

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