God of War 4 PS4 Is A New Saga, Under Development For Over Three Years

Good news all around.

God of War on PS4 looks to be one of the most promising upcoming games on any platform- the game looks to take the classic Sony franchise, and expand it greatly when it comes to mechanics, setting, and scope. Its director, Cory Barlog, who incidentally also directed God of War 2, the best game in the series so far, is pretty active on Twitter, answering questions about the game and its development- so even though we haven’t actually seen more of the game since its debut at E3, we never quite forget about it.

For instance, in response to a fan’s query on Twitter, Barlog confirmed that the game is brand new God of War saga, implying that the game will kick start a new story arc, and have sequels continuing its narrative. That’s good news for fans of the series- also what’s good news is that the game has been in development for over three years at this point. Why is that good news? Because judging by how long it takes to develop the average AAA game, that seems to imply that God of War may soon be nearing the end of its development cycle.

God of War is due out on PlayStation 4 exclusively some time next year.

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