God of War Coming in Early 2018, New Gameplay Trailer Revealed

Kratos and son tear up the opposition in this latest gameplay trailer.

Sony didn’t have to do much to convince us of the brilliance that is God of War, which sees Kratos and his son encounter a Souleater for the first time. No, not the anime or its character. Check out the latest gameplay trailer to see what we mean.

God of War is slated to release in early 2018 and will slot in rather nicely with the opening month release pattern that Sony has established (this year had Nier: Automata, Nioh, Gravity Rush 2 and Horizon: Zero Dawn, for example). Our hero Kratos is a lot older this time around but he’s still as vicious, using his magical ax to tear down foes. His son even helps provide an assist or two along the way.

Releasing exclusively for the PS4, God of War sees Kratos in an ancient Norse world, attempting to fulfill some purpose. We don’t know what it is but the gameplay is certainly on point. Stay tuned for more information in the wake of Sony’s Media Conference.

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