God of War Ragnarok Guide – All Weapon Upgrade and Attachment Locations, and Nornir Chests

Here's how to find all the different upgrades necessary to make Kratos' weapons stronger, from materials to attachments.
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God of War Ragnarok is a massive experience, even for those looking to just complete the story. However, those seeking various upgrades for each weapon, whether it’s increasing their level or finding attachments, should settle in for the long haul. There’s quite a lot to unlock and level up.

Let’s start with the Leviathan Axe. It’s upgraded with Frozen Flames and gains more damage with each level. More skills are also available (but require spending XP in the skill tree to unlock and use). The max level is 9, but you only need to upgrade the Axe to level 6 to gain access to the entire skill tree. For the locations of all Frozen Flames, check out the video by Astrosive.

The Leviathan Axe can also equip different attachments, which grant new passive skills and further stat bonuses. Let’s take a look at all of them here, along with their locations:

  • Wooden Knob – Unlocked at the start. When fully upgraded, it increases Strength by 29, Runic by 17, Vitality by 17, Cooldown by 17 and Luck by 17.
  • The Furious Maul – Unlocked at the start. Grants Slayer’s Strength, which has a high Luck chance of granting a gift of Strength after any kill with the axe. When fully upgraded, increases Strength by 63.
    Fortified Frost Knob – Found in Svartalfheim in the same room as The Hateful during “The Quest for Tyr.” Grants Frost Resolve, which increases Defense and stagger resistance upon activating Frost Awaken. When fully upgraded, increases Strength by 29 and Cooldown by 34.
  • Haur’s Lucky Knob – Can be crafted at the Huldra Brother’s workshop at the start of “The Reckoning.” Grants Marksman’s Stunt, where any successful precision throw has a moderate Luck chance to create an extra stun blast effect. When fully upgraded, increases Strength by 29 and Luck by 34.
  • Stonecutter’s Knob – Near the end of “The Reckoning,” access the workshop at Freyr’s Camp to craft this. Grants Slicing Finish, which provides a concussive wave when ending a combo with the Leviathan Axe. At max level, increases Strength by 46 and Defense by 23.
  • Grip of Weighted Recovery – Unlocked by crafting at Huldra Brother’s workshop in Freyr’s Camp after “The Reckoning.” Grants Seized Refresh which provides a Blessing of Cooldown on stun grabbing an enemy. At max level, increases Strength by 29 and Runic by 34.
  • Grip of the Fallen Alchemist – Found in the Legendary Chest in Vanaheim after “The Reckoning.” Grants Serpent’s Health Burst where any successful hit with Serpent’s Snare has a high Luck chance of providing a Health Burst. When upgraded to max level, increases Strength by 29, Vitality by 23 and Luck by 23.
  • Grip of the Nine Realms – Unlocked after completing “The Word of Fate” in Alfheim and clearing the second Berserker Gravestone. Grants Momentous Shift where upon activating Glacial Permafrost by pressing L1 and Triangle when the Permafrost gauge is full triggers a Realm Shift. At max level, increases Runic by 26, Cooldown by 26 and Luck by 26.
  • Runic Hailstone Knob – In Vanaheim, you unlock this by throwing Crystalline Shards into the cleansing pool in the Wishing Well. Grants Prey Upon Frost, where hitting an enemy has a moderate Luck chance to grant a Blessing of Runic. When fully upgraded, increases Strength by 23, Runic by 23, and Luck by 29.
  • Banahogg Knob – After “Forging Destiny” is complete, open the Legendary Chest in Svartalheim to unlock this. It grants Bare Force where bare-handed attack damage increases for a time after successfully landing precision throws with the axe. Increases Strength by 29 and Vitality by 34 when fully upgraded.
  • Grip of Healing Harmony – Discovered during “Reunion” when completing the Hel-Tear in Helheim. Grants Permafrost Lifesteal, where fully charging the Permafrost skill gauge causes axe hits to restore health. However, incoming damage received also increases. Increases Strength by 29 and Defense by 34 when fully upgraded.
  • Grip of Radiant Reflection – After “Unlocking the Mask”, you receive the Grip of Radiant Reflection upon returning to Sindri’s House.

All Blades of Chaos Upgrade and Attachment Locations

Next up is the Blades of Chaos, which require Chaos Flames to upgrade. You can check out the video below for their locations. Once again, these only provide new abilities in the skill tree up to level 6 – every other upgrade to the weapon increases damage. Let’s take a look at all of the attachments:

  • Steel Handles – Unlocked at the start. Increase Strength by 29, Runic by 17, Vitality by 17, Cooldown by 17, and Luck by 17.
  • Deadly Obsidian Handles – In “The Quest for Tyr,” it’s discovered in the first Legendary Chest in Svartalfheim. Increases Strength by 63
  • Radiant Warden Handles – In “The Quest for Tyr,” unlocked by crafting at the Huldra Brothers’ workshop. Grants Whiplash Deflection, which deflects incoming projectiles when charging Flame Whiplash. It increases Strength by 29 and Cooldown by 34.
  • Pommels of the Undying Spark – Found inside the fifth Legendary Chest, located in Svartalfheim during “The Quest for Tyr.” Grants Scorching Burn, which increases the damage of the Burn status. It increases Strength by 46 and Runic by 23.
  • Cursed Empress Handles – Reward for defeating The Hateful in “The Quest for Tyr.” Grants Power of the Empress, where every hit has a low Luck chance to increase Strength and Runic (up to three stacks). Increases Strength by 29 and Luck by 34.
  • Pommels of Agile Deceit – After “The Reckoning,” you can craft these at the Huldra Brothers’ workshop in Freyr’s Camp. Grants Blade Dancer, which increases the damage and Burn with the Spinning Chaos and Evasive Embers skills. It increases Strength by 29 and Vitality by 34.
  • Pommels of Brutal Might – During “The Reckoning,” you can craft these at the Huldra Brothers’ workshop in Freyr’s Camp. Grants Seized Strength, which provides a Gift of Strength after Stun Grabbing an enemy. It increases Strength by 29 and Defense by 34.
  • Hardened War Handles – Found in Legendary Chest 11 in Alfheim after “The Reckoning.” Grants Banishing Blade, increases the damage and Stun of Hyperion Grapple and Hyperion Pull. It increases Strength by 40, Defense by 17 and Vitality by 17.
  • Pommels of Burning Unity – Received in Vanaheim after throwing Crystalline Shards into the cleansing pool of the Wishing Well. Grants Burning Immolation, increasing all Burn damage inflicted by 15 percent. The skill charge gained from Immolation increases when hitting an enemy afflicted with Burn. It also increases Strength by 29 and Runic by 34.
  • Pommels of the Nine Realms – Received after completing Berserker Gravestone #1 in Vanaheim after “The Word of Fate.” Grants Momentous Shift, where a Realm Shift is triggered after using Furious Immolation. It also increases Runic by 26, Vitality by 26 and Luck by 26.
  • Luminous Recovery Handles – After “Forging Destiny,” this is found in Svartalfheim in a Legendary Chest. Grants Whiplash Refresh where hits with Flame Whiplash can provide a Blessing of Cooldown with a moderate Luck chance. If Flame Whiplash is fully charged, more cooldown is restored. It increases Strength by 23, Cooldown by 29 and Luck by 23.
  • Pommels of the True Flame – Available after “Unlocking the Mask” when you go to Sindri’s House.

All Draupnir Spear Upgrade and Attachment Locations

Finally, there’s the Draupnir Spear, a brand-new weapon that requires Gale Flames to upgrade. Check out the locations for all of them in the video below. Here are all the attachments:

  • Soldier’s Sauroter – Unlocked with the weapon after “Forging Destiny.”
  • Hind of Attuned Elements – After defeating the Nightmare Parasites in “Forging Destiny,” you get this from a Yggdrasil Rift. Grants Extinguish and Vaporise, dealing bonus damage against enemies afflicted with Burn or Frost. It increases Defense by 29 and Runic by 34.
  • Mighty Olympic Sauroter – Crafted at Huldra Brothers’ workshop upon returning to Sindri’s House after “Forging Destiny.” Grants Detonator’s Might which has a moderate Luck chance to increase Strength and Stagger Resistance after detonating thrown spears. Increases Defense by 17, Cooldown by 34, and Luck by 23.
  • Charging Assault Sauroter – Crafted after the end of “Forging Destiny” at the Huldra Brothers’ workshop after you return to Sindri’s. Grants Fearless Sprinter causing Hoplite Lunge and Phalanx Breaker to apply more stun. It also has a moderate Luck chance to grant Unstoppable and Increases Defense by 46, Vitality by 14 and Luck by 14.
  • Hind of the Nine Realms – Found in Svartalfheim from clearing the third Berserker Gravestone after “Forging Destiny.” Grants Momentous Shift, which triggers Realm Shift upon activating Violent Maelstrom. It increases Runic by 26, Vitality by 26 and Cooldown by 26.
  • Hind of the Four Winds – after finishing “Forging Destiny,” this is unlocked after defeating Miklimunnr in Svartalfheim. Grants Slicing Finish, which adds Concussive Wave upon completing a Heavy Attack combo. Increases Strength by 34 and Defense by 29.
  • Lion’s Roar Sauroter – – Found in Midgard within the eighth Legendary Chest after “Reunion.” Grants Stunning Blast, which greatly increases Gale Force’s stun damage. Increases Defense by 63.
  • Hind of Weightless Recovery – Crafted at the Huldra Brothers’ workshop after “ Creatures of Prophecy” when you return to Sindri’s. Grants Maelstrom Refresh, where attacks have a moderate Luck chance to trigger a Blessing of Cooldown when the Maelstrom gauge is full. Increases Defense by 29 and Luck by 34.
  • Battle-Scarred Sauroter – Crafted at the Huldra Brothers’ workshop after “Creatures of Prophecy” upon returning to Sindri’s. Grants Seized Rage Burst, which grants a Rage Burst after stun grabbing an enemy. It also increases Defense by 40 and Vitality by 29.
  • Hind of Deadly Vitality – Unlocked after “Creatures of Prophecy” in The Plains in Vanaheim by defeating Vali, the Oath Guard. Grants Slayer’s Health Burst, where every spear kill has a moderate Luck chance to grant a Health Burst. Increases Defense by 29, Cooldown by 23 and Luck by 23.
  • Warrior’s Echo Sauroter – Unlocked upon returning to Sindri’s House after “Unlocking the Mask.”

All Nornir Chests and Their Locations

There are 35 Nornir Chests throughout God of War Ragnarok, and they grant either an Idunn Apple to increase max health or a Horn of Blood Mead to increase maximum Rage. If you want to max out your Rage Meter, it’s a good idea to go hunting for the chests post-game. Check out their locations across Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Midgard, Vanaheim, Niflheim, and Muspelheim in the video below by GosuNoob.

God of War Ragnarok is available for PS4 and PS5. Check out our official review here.

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