Grand Theft Auto 5: PS4/Xbox One Money Cheat Enables You To Make $250,000 Every 2 Minutes

More money please. Thank you.

The mobile phone is truly an amazing piece of technology. Connecting us to those we love from all corners of the globe and keeping us appraised of the latest developments in an ever changing, ever growing world. Well, that’s what we normally think anyway, that train of thought doesn’t apply in Grand Theft Auto where you use your mobile phone to change the world around you.

But how can you make easy money in the game following all the patches that remove the exploits? How does $250,000 sound? Well, first of all you need to gather $250,000 for yourself, and that’s probably the most difficult part of this. Next up you need to be part of a crew in order for this to work.

From here, on Xbox One or PS4, hit the start button and go to the Online Mode. From the Playlist drop down menu, select the Challenges listing. From there, you need only find a challenge of your choosing, ramp up the amount your willing to bet and, upon completion, you’ve made yourself a whole lot of money. Isn’t that nice?

Grand Theft Auo 5pcps4RockstarXbox One