Grand Theft Auto 5: New Videos Showcases Graphical Differences Between PS4 And PC Versions

It's sad that the console war is still even a thing

The console war used to be about the games, plain and simple. If you had a preferred platform, you probably defended it to the death. Nowadays, the console war is a much more shallow affair, with gamers on both sides of the fence throwing numbers and statistics at each other, crying over resolutions and frame rates.

It’s times like this that the so called, “PC Master Race” likes to kick back in their seats and laugh. These two video’s that show off the noticeable differences in the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 will at least put the Sony fans in their place for now. And I’m not just saying that because PC is my primary platform of choice.

Look at those visuals, just look at them. Sharper textures, longer draw distance, better models. Everything about the game has been hugely improved for the PC build. Don’t get me wrong, the Xbox One and PS4 builds of this game are still stunning accomplishments of modern gaming, but it’s clear to all that the PC has the definitive version of the game.

Grand Theft Auto 5pcps4RockstarXbox One